Well, if you locate the right one, the answer is a resounding “YES!” (As in the case of the “It Works! Advanced Formula Fat Fighter with Carb Inhibitors” that I’ve been testing for the past several months). And, I bet your idly wondering how it works…
To sum up quickly (and in layman’s terms): the “It Works! Advanced Formula Fat Fighter with Carb Inhibitors” absorbs some of the fat and carbohydrates from the food you ingest so that your body doesn’t.
To explain in depth: the “It Works! Advanced Formula Fat Fighter with Carb Inhibitors” uses NeOpuntia, a natural lipophilic fiber made from dehydrated oval leaves of the Opuntia ficus indica cactus.
What is NeOpuntia?
NeOpuntia (cactus leaf) is fast becoming a popular weight loss ingredient due to its high fiber content and its ability to pull excess fat from the digestion system after eating. It does this by surrounding the fat molecules and not allowing them to be digested, and then stored, in the body. Because of this, NeOpuntia is a great ingredient to take prior to, or during, each meal to help reduce the amount of fat taken into the body.
How does NeOpuntia work?
Again, NeOpuntia has lipophilic properties. Lipophilic substances will bind to fats and cause a hydrophobic interaction. Once interacted, the body excretes these molecules instead of take them up and store them.
NeOpuntia studies:
“A pilot clinical study suggests that 1.6 g of NeOpuntia taken per meal is able to increase fat excretion on an average of 27%, compared to placebo. It also found that NeOpuntia decreases fatty acid bioavailability by more than 28%.
Another study also found the NeOpuntia may be able to help regulate some blood lipid parameters. This regulation may help with reducing Cardio-Vascular risk.”
Now, with an explanation of how NeOpuntia works, the “It Works! Advanced Formula Fat Fighter with Carb Inhibitors” (which contains NeOpuntia) is not meant to provide one with a “free pass” to eat fatty foods. It is however, a great tool to use in one’s desire to lose weight and be healthier!