#GuestAuthor of ‘Sentinels of the Night,’ Anita Dickason Talks About Her Favorite Book Promo Materials

Sentinels of the Night by Anita Dickason Author Guest Post

“My Favorite Book Promotion Materials”

When an author elects to go the independent route and publish their book, every element of the process, preparation of the manuscript, file conversions, book cover design, distribution, and promotion fall on the shoulders of the author. None is more difficult than promotions as it seems to be never-ending. There are millions of books for sale. If an author doesn’t advertise, promote and advertise some more, the book may sit in relative obscurity.

The opportunities for promotion are endless, contests, book giveaways, blog tours, interviews, social media, and book signings are just a few. With two books, Sentinels of the Night and Going Gone! my promotional activity has increased ten-fold. I use two items that I would rate as essential for every author’s advertising bag.


Bookmarks are my number one, go to item for promotion. I combined my two books onto a single bookmark. On each side are the book cover, a short synopsis, review blurbs, and my email and website address. They are inexpensive and will appeal to all types of readers.

They are a must for a book signing event. They can be left at local libraries and stores. I carry a supply in my purse, and I don’t pass up an opportunity to pass them out. I recently embarked on a train trip from Texas to Michigan and back. I handed out bookmarks to fellow travelers and railroad personnel all along the way. My bookmarks have been added to swag bags for book festivals and other types of events. If I could only have one promotional item, it would be a bookmark.

Book Trailers

Over the last couple of years, book trailers have gained in popularity. The book trailer is unique. It is a video teaser of an author’s book. The typical length is between one and two minutes. Several websites provide commercial-free images, soundtracks, and background videos.

When I designed my book trailers, I found the soundtrack the most difficult. For Sentinels of the Night, I listened to a countless number of tracks, searching for a sound to convey the eerie ability of FBI Tracker Cat Morgan, but with a rhythm that would intensify and push the images. What I found was perfect for a voice-over at the beginning before the tempo increased. Going Gone! needed a beat to kick in from the start.

A book trailer on YouTube is advertising that doesn’t stop. Links can be added to the book’s synopsis on retail sites and to just about every other type of promotion.

For more information on Sentinels of the Night and the second Tracker novel, Going Gone!, please see my website or the book trailers.


Sentinels of the Night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4m00v2W4K4o

Going Gone!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGI9MzkBkSE


Don’t forget to enter the Sentinels of the Night giveaway for a $25 Amazon gift card!

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