Charline Ratcliff Interviews: Janelle Kahele, Author of ‘Façade: Unveiling the Masquerade’




Good morning Janelle and thanks for sitting down with me for this interview!

You know, in perusing your various sites to prepare for our time together — I did notice that you live in Hawaii. Have you lived there you entire life, or did you move there at some later point?

I was born in Hawaii. My mother is of Hawaiian descent; my father is Italian. My father was in the military and met my mother while he was stationed there. I was only there for my first five years — we left when my father was transferred to Japan.

Gotcha. Well, what about books? It seems that (with very rare exception) every author I have ever chatted with developed a love of books, and reading, at an early age. How did that interest start for you?

Honestly, I never liked reading when I was younger — I was more of a scribbler. I believe I was in 8th grade when I first began to appreciate a good book.

And writing? When did your love affair with the written word first begin?

This is going to sound a bit funny, but I kept a diary and I believe that was what started it all. In high school, I began writing poems and then it kind of took off from there.

That was certainly fortunate for all your fans!

Facade: Unveiling the Masquerade, KaheleSo your latest romance novel, Façade: Unveiling the Masquerade, was recently released – could you share a bit of the book’s premise with us?

Unveiling the Masquerade is the second book in the Façade series. It continues the story of two people who love each other, but struggle to find a happy medium so they can be together.

What prompted the idea for this particular tale? Do you ever draw from real-life experiences? For example, the irritable but obviously white-collar male professional at the grocery store check-out counter?

Does witnessing a less-than-favorable interaction between people ever spark that ‘happily ever after’ torrid romantic notion for a book?

I develop characters from real life people, yes, but when I start writing they sort of create their selves and I am terrible about happy endings only because I find it hard to let go of my characters.

What do you hope for readers to experience with your books? A brief respite from their stress-filled lives? Being able to experience different locales via the varied settings? Something else?

I would like the readers just to enjoy the books, as much as I enjoyed writing them.

And finally, what’s next for you? Travel? Time off? Another book?

Another book , yes, but its too early to tell anyone about it!

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Facade, Janelle Kahele

I am a married mother of three teenage girls and live in south eastern Michigan. I have one flaw that could rightly be considered the worst flaw possible. I procrastinate constantly, which gets me into a little more trouble than I would like; especially with my girls.

I love to swim, ride horses, relax with a good book and spend time with my family.

Writing has helped me to calm down the very hectic life I have and release the scattered thoughts that often run through my head. No, I don’t hear voices, but I do envision characters of my books when I see people interacting around me. And that pretty much sums up my life!


Facade, Blurb, J. Kahele


Gazing out into the distance, Ally watched as the sun blinked through the trees, lighting up the hilltops; the scenery like a picturesque postcard. It was an unusually warm day for mid-May in Chicago, a sweltering 88 degrees. Staring down at the brook, Ally exhaled as she thought about Liam.

She wondered if he thought of her as she thought of him. She found it disheartening that someone could be such an important part of her life and then just disappear without a trace. She attempted to convince herself he was just a façade of her heart, an illusion of her soul, but that was not true, not true at all. Maybe in his heart what they had was a masquerade, but in hers it was special, true love, one that could never be replaced. I will always love him!



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One Response
  1. Vidya @ Elite Book Promotions says:

    Thank you for hosting J Kahele on your blog.